Why I did choose my career?
Hi classmates! As I told you in the previous post, I studied Design at the Universidad de Chile, two years. Since at that time, I was very good at drawing and creating, in fact, I was so good that I was assistant to the art teacher at school, and my paintings were all over the school, even in the teachers' room. But I finally realized that I didn't want to work on that, I preferred to have it as a hobby, since I can exploit creativity when it is something that is born in me, not something for others, much less for a company. Besides that I had to spend too much time in front of a computer and I never liked that. The good thing about that experience was that I learned to occupy many programs of photo editing, diagramming, I learned about perception, about graphic expression (inks, papers, pencils) and I have a lot of notion of the image. After that, I gave myself a sabbatical year to study for the psu, work, and think about what I wanted to do with my life. In that tran...