My Autobiography

Hi mates! I do not like to be self-referent but its time to talk a little about me.
My name is Camila Castillo, as you know.
I was born in Santiago (I've lived my whole life in this city) and I studied at a school in La Florida all my high school. Good learning times and few responsibilities. In this times I discovered my skills for music and drawing.
First I learned to play the guitar in a music academy and later a trumpet, autonomously and with friends. In this point in time was when I formed my first band. A band with many influences, like, jazz, ska, rhythm and blues. This band didn't last long because we all leaved far away and I entered to University.
My first career was Design in Universdad de Chile. I chose this career for my drawing abilities and the love for creativity and the avant-garde. But then I realized that I didn't want to spend all my time in front of a computer and I started thinking that I wanted to make with my life.

Faculty of architecture and urbanism.
I have always liked plants, nature, the outdoor. My grandfather was an agronomist at the University of Chile. And he always told me wonderful things about plants. He took me to his farm in Ovalle, all my life, we grow their oranges, avocados, olives.
That´s how i decided to study agronomy.
During my university stage I have practiced many sports, basketball, volleyball, roller derby, soccer, but my favourite is cycling (my bike is my conveyance).
In addition to studying, my favorite things in life are movies, vinyl records, concerts, travel, sports and beer. And what takes me more time is my job as a vinyl selector (dj), I select music at parties and concerts almost every weekend.

Being dj has allowed me to travel through many countries (Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, USA). My dream is to travel around the world selecting music and knowing beautiful landscapes and cultures.


  1. I fing great that you have skills in music and art, have both is not too common! I wish you could have another band in the future and I also moved to another university and I think was the best option.

    1. yes, is the best option, you have to do what you love, always :D regards!

  2. It's incredible that thanks to your ability for music you have traveled through all those countries!! Luck with that dream, step by step you will achieve it.

  3. thank you very much, I hope it come true :)


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