Post 9 : Changes to my study program
With respect to english subject, I think that there have to make a big change in the program and establish the mandatory English, since is a very important tool for our life and future. It’s not posible that a professional from University of Chile to graduate without knowing English. Also, the schedule that exists now is not confortable, we don`t have time to lunch and we have to run to the other class, is a big problem, and is because of this that some student don’t want to take this subject, or many times there is no capacity. With respect to other subject I think that in the first two year there should be more agricultural subject, in early years the University bombards us with very general subject, like calculus, algebra or chemestry, is because of this that many students suffer vocational crises. I think that we should be able to take specialized subjects before that the last years, subjects that we are passionate about, in the early years is very difficult to ...